πŸ“ Example Business Config

An example of what a configured business should look like

Config.Businesses['uwu'] = {
    -- This table is required and will control most of the business information such as job etc.
    Job = {
        jobName = 'catcafe', -- Job name that has access to the restaurant.
        businessName = 'CAt CafΓ©', -- This name will be used for Renewed banking and other places
        societyAccount = 'catcafe', -- The Society account that is connected to your business through Renewed Banking/esx society/qb management
        grade = 0, -- This gradename can deal with the manager menu for creating items, changing prices, etc.
        managerCoords = { -- Use the /zone from ox_lib and remember to specify that its a sphere like. /zone sphere
            coords = vec3(-578.3, -1066.9, 26.55),
            size = 0.40,
    -- This table will allow the business to have an offline shop where players can purchase products when no employer is nearby
    shop = {
        shopLabel = 'UwU CafΓ© Shop', -- Shop Label
        shopSlots = 40, -- Shop Slots
        shopWeight = 100, -- The maximum amount of storage for items the store has
        shopCoords = vec4(-584.7, -1060.64, 21.34, 273.86), -- Shop coords (where the players can purchase products)
        model = 'a_f_y_topless_01', -- Ped Model
    -- This table controls which stations are available for the restaurant to use
    Stations = {
            label = 'Stove Prep', -- Label showed in inventory crafting when opened
            text = '[E] Cook', -- This will be the text of the Target OR TextUI if target is false
            coords = vec3(-590.46, -1056.55, 22.36), -- Coords for the sphere
            target = false, -- If set to true then target will be enabled otherwise its text ui
            radius = 0.45, -- Radius of the sphere
            type = {'food', 'drink'} -- Controls weather or not this station is for foods or drinks or both
    -- This table adds stashes which the STAFF of the restauratn can access
    Stashes = {
            label = 'UwU CafΓ© Stash', -- Label of the stash when opened
            text = '[E] View Stash', -- if target = false then this text will be visible with textui
            target = false, -- If set to true you must use target to open the stash otherwise it will be opened by drawText saying [E] View Stash
            slots = 100, -- How many slots the inventory stash has
            weight = 100, -- How much weight the stash can hold
            coords = vec3(-588.7, -1067.1, 22.3), -- Coords of the stash
            radius = 0.60, -- size of the sphere for the stash
    -- This table controls the crafting stations for the business, usefull for cutting boards and other misc stuff
    Crafting = {
            label = 'Cutting Board', -- Label of the crafting station when opened
            text = '[E] Cut', -- Text when targetting // viewing the text ui
            radius = 0.45, -- Radius of the sphere
            coords = vec3(-590.49, -1062.97, 22.36), -- Coords for the sphere
            target = false, -- Weather or not Target is enabled for this station
                Dump all your items you want to be craftable here, you can follow the guide below to see how to configure it
            items = {
                    name = 'sandwichbread',
                    ingredients = {
                        breadloaf = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 10,
                    name = 'cutstrawberry',
                    ingredients = {
                        strawberry = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 5,
                    name = 'strawberryjuice',
                    ingredients = {
                        cutstrawberry = 5,
                        blender = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 2,
                    name = 'cutapples',
                    ingredients = {
                        apples = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 5,
                    name = 'applejuice',
                    ingredients = {
                        cutapples = 5,
                        blender = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 2,
                    name = 'cutpickle',
                    ingredients = {
                        pickle = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 5,
                    name = 'cutpineapple',
                    ingredients = {
                        pineapple = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 5,
                    name = 'pineapplejuice',
                    ingredients = {
                        cutpineapple = 5,
                        blender = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 2,
                    name = 'cutorange',
                    ingredients = {
                        orange = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 5,
                    name = 'orangejuice',
                    ingredients = {
                        cutorange = 5,
                        blender = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 2,
                    name = 'cutblueberry',
                    ingredients = {
                        blueberry = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 5,
                    name = 'blueberryjuice',
                    ingredients = {
                        cutblueberry = 5,
                        blender = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 2,
                    name = 'cutlime',
                    ingredients = {
                        lime = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 5,
                    name = 'limejuice',
                    ingredients = {
                        cutlime = 5,
                        blender = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 2,
                    name = 'grapejuice',
                    ingredients = {
                        grapes = 1,
                        blender = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 5,
                    name = 'cutlemon',
                    ingredients = {
                        lemon = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 5,
                    name = 'lemonjuice',
                    ingredients = {
                        cutlemon = 5,
                        blender = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 2,
                    name = 'cutkiwi',
                    ingredients = {
                        kiwi = 5,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 2,
                    name = 'choplettuce',
                    ingredients = {
                        lettuce = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 5,
                    name = 'choptomato',
                    ingredients = {
                        tomato = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 5,
                    name = 'slicedtomato',
                    ingredients = {
                        tomato = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 5,
                    name = 'potatoslice',
                    ingredients = {
                        potatoes = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 5,
                    name = 'potatoskins',
                    ingredients = {
                        potatoes = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 2,
                    name = 'choppotato',
                    ingredients = {
                        potatoes = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 7,
                    name = 'chopsquash',
                    ingredients = {
                        squash = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 5,
                    name = 'chopspinach',
                    ingredients = {
                        spinach = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 5,
                    name = 'chopcelery',
                    ingredients = {
                        celery = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 5,
                    name = 'chopredpepper',
                    ingredients = {
                        redpeppers = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 5,
                    name = 'slicedredpepper',
                    ingredients = {
                        redpeppers = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 3,
                    name = 'chopgreenpepper',
                    ingredients = {
                        greenpepper = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 5,
                    name = 'slicedgreenpepper',
                    ingredients = {
                        greenpepper = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 3,
                    name = 'chophotpepper',
                    ingredients = {
                        hotpepper = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 5,
                    name = 'chopcarrots',
                    ingredients = {
                        carrots = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 5,
                    name = 'chopcucumbers',
                    ingredients = {
                        cucumbers = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 5,
                    name = 'chopbroccoli',
                    ingredients = {
                        broccoli = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 5,
                    name = 'cubemozzarella',
                    ingredients = {
                        mozzarella = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 10,
                    name = 'stringmozzarella',
                    ingredients = {
                        mozzarella = 1,
                        grater = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 15,
                    name = 'cubeprovolone',
                    ingredients = {
                        provolone = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 10,
                    name = 'stringprovolone',
                    ingredients = {
                        provolone = 1,
                        grater = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 15,
                    name = 'cubecheddar',
                    ingredients = {
                        provolone = 1,
                        kitchenknife = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 10,
                    name = 'stringcheddar',
                    ingredients = {
                        provolone = 1,
                        grater = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 15,
                    name = 'parmesanflakes',
                    ingredients = {
                        provolone = 1,
                        grater = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 15,
                -- meat --
                    name = 'slicedbologna',
                    ingredients = {
                        bologna = 1,
                        cleaver = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 10,
                    name = 'slicedham',
                    ingredients = {
                        wholeham = 1,
                        cleaver = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 5,
                    name = 'dicedham',
                    ingredients = {
                        slicedham = 1,
                        cleaver = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 10,
                    name = 'nystrip',
                    ingredients = {
                        meetslab = 1,
                        cleaver = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 3,
                    name = 'filet',
                    ingredients = {
                        meetslab = 1,
                        cleaver = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 5,
                    name = 'chickenstrips',
                    ingredients = {
                        packagedchicken = 1,
                        cleaver = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 5,
                    name = 'chickenwings',
                    ingredients = {
                        packagedchicken = 1,
                        cleaver = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 5,
                    name = 'baconbits',
                    ingredients = {
                        bacon = 1,
                        cleaver = 0.01
                    duration = 7500,
                    count = 7,
    -- This table controls the trays for the business
    Trays = {
            slots = 20, -- The amount of slots for the tray
            weight = 100, -- Amount of weight the stash can hold
            coords = vec3(-584.0, -1062.03, 22.42), -- Coords of the tray
            size = 0.3, -- Size of the sphere
            slots = 20, -- The amount of slots for the tray
            weight = 100, -- Amount of weight the stash can hold
            coords = vec3(-584.09, -1059.31, 22.42), -- Coords of the tray
            size = 0.3, -- Size of the sphere
    -- This table controls the DUI objects for the table
    DUI = {
            label = 'UwU CafΓ© Menu', -- Label will be displayed inside the manager menu for the DUI
            ytd = 'denis3d_catcafe_txd', -- YTD File name for the DUI
            ytdname = 't_m_catcafe_imageatlas01', -- Name of the DUI inside the YTD
            width = 512, -- Width of the texture normally its 512 but check in OpenIV to make sure
            height = 512 -- Height of the texture normally its 512 but check in OpenIV to make sure
            label = 'UwU CafΓ© Paintings', -- Label will be displayed inside the manager menu for the DUI
            ytd = 'denis3d_catcafe_txd', -- YTD File name for the DUI
            ytdname = 't_m_catcafe_imageatlas02', -- Name of the DUI inside the YTD
            width = 512, -- Width of the texture normally its 512 but check in OpenIV to make sure
            height = 512 -- Height of the texture normally its 512 but check in OpenIV to make sure
    -- This table controls the registers for the business where customers can pay for their food
    Registers = {
            label = 'UwU CafΓ© Register', -- Label will be displayed inside the menu when the customer is paying
            coords = vec3(-584.03, -1061.45, 22.37), -- Coords of the register
            size = 0.22, -- Size of the sphere
            label = 'UwU CafΓ© Register',-- Label will be displayed inside the menu when the customer is paying
            coords = vec3(-584.06, -1058.73, 22.37), -- Coords of the register
            size = 0.22, -- Size of the sphere
    -- This table controls the ingredeints for the business
    bannedIngredients = {
        --["phone"] = true, -- Here we have an example of banning the item "phone" to be used as an ingredient
    -- This table controls the menu types we have in the business (food, side, dessert, drink)
    MenuTypes = {
        ['main'] = 10, -- This is the amount of ingredients the menu type can have
        ['side'] = 4, -- This is the amount of ingredients the menu type can have
        ['dessert'] = 4, -- This is the amount of ingredients the menu type can have
        ['drink'] = 4, -- This is the amount of ingredients the menu type can have
    -- This table is required and controls the zone outside of the business
    Zone = {
        points = { -- The points of the zones
            vec3(-564.0, -1107.0, 27.0),
            vec3(-615.0, -1085.0, 27.0),
            vec3(-613.0, -1040.0, 27.0),
            vec3(-565.0, -1047.0, 27.0),
        thickness = 12.0, -- Thickness (aka height) of the zone
    -- This table create a blip for the business
    blip = {
        name = 'UwU CafΓ©', -- blip name
        coords = vec3(-580.97, -1067.21, 22.34), -- blip coords
        id = 621, -- blip id
        scale = 0.8, -- blip scale
        colour = 41 -- blip colour
    -- This table controls the chairs for the business
    Chairs = {
        vec4(-573.04, -1058.81, 22.5, 180.75),
        vec4(-573.92, -1058.82, 22.5, 180.75),
        vec4(-573.06, -1060.7, 22.5, 0.75),
        vec4(-573.91, -1060.72, 22.5, 0.75),
        vec4(-572.98, -1062.46, 22.5, 180.75),
        vec4(-573.84, -1062.45, 22.5, 180.75),
        vec4(-573.05, -1064.37, 22.5, 0.75),
        vec4(-573.89, -1064.37, 22.5, 0.75),
        vec4(-573.0, -1066.11, 22.5, 180.75),
        vec4(-573.9, -1066.1, 22.5, 180.75),
        vec4(-573.07, -1068.03, 22.5, 0.75),
        vec4(-573.87, -1068.01, 22.5, 0.75),
        vec4(-580.84, -1051.22, 22.35, 277.75),
        vec4(-579.78, -1052.51, 22.35, 329.75),
        vec4(-577.61, -1052.6, 22.35, 35.75),
        vec4(-576.86, -1051.03, 22.35, 108.75),
        vec4(-579.72, -1062.12, 22.35, 0.75),
        vec4(-580.7, -1062.55, 22.35, 45.75),
        vec4(-581.02, -1063.46, 22.35, 90.75),
        vec4(-580.64, -1064.45, 22.35, 135.75),
        vec4(-579.71, -1064.79, 22.35, 180.75),
        vec4(-578.67, -1064.47, 22.35, 225.75),
        vec4(-578.33, -1063.39, 22.35, 270.75),
        vec4(-578.76, -1062.34, 22.35, 315.75),
        vec4(-586.18, -1064.68, 22.6, 90.75),
        vec4(-586.17, -1065.69, 22.6, 90.75),
        vec4(-586.15, -1066.68, 22.6, 90.75),
        vec4(-586.17, -1067.69, 22.6, 90.75),
        vec4(-591.21, -1049.06, 22.35, 180.75),
        vec4(-589.95, -1049.06, 22.35, 180.75),
        vec4(-598.44, -1050.99, 22.35, 270.0),
        vec4(-598.45, -1050.1, 22.35, 270.0),
        vec4(-596.26, -1053.52, 22.35, 0),
        vec4(-573.72, -1052.29, 26.61, 270.0),
        vec4(-573.73, -1053.45, 26.61, 270.0),
        vec4(-569.68, -1066.56, 26.62, 90.0),
        vec4(-569.7, -1068.13, 26.62, 90.0),
        vec4(-570.97, -1069.42, 26.62, 0),
        vec4(-572.61, -1069.4, 26.62, 0),
        vec4(-577.09, -1065.14, 26.61, 165.0),
        vec4(-578.82, -1065.24, 26.61, 200.0),
        vec4(-578.24, -1067.83, 26.61, 0),
        vec4(-577.0, -1062.6, 26.61, 0),
        vec4(-579.1, -1061.28, 26.61, 270.0),
        vec4(-577.39, -1057.87, 26.61, 180.0),
        vec4(-578.59, -1057.9, 26.61, 180.0),