🔧 Configuration
⛽ Petrol Can

⛽ Petrol Can

In order to use petrol cans properly, make sure you have done the inventory edits in the installation section.

-- If you want to use showGallons or customFuelCanWeight You must do the ox_inventory edits!!!!
-- Inventory edits documentation: https://https://renewed.dev/fuel/Setup/petrolcans
return {
    fuelCans = true, -- Use fuel cans (Also known as petrol cans or jerry cans)
    fuelPerDurability = 0.1, -- How many gallons of fuel per durability, 0.1 means 10 gallons of fuel per petrolcan, 1.0 would mean 100 gallons of fuel per petrolcan
    customFuelCanWeight = {
        enabled = false, -- If set to true MAKE SURE you do the edits in ox_inventory referenced on the documentation
        maxWeight = 12000, -- Max weight of fuel cans in grams (12kg)
        minWeight = 1000, -- Min weight of fuel cans in grams (1kg)
    showGallons = false, -- If set to true it shows gallons remaining in the metadata, IF TRUE YOU MUST DO THE OX_INVENTORY CHANGES
    petrolCanSpeed = 3.0, -- 3x longer to fill up a petrol can compared to a car