πŸ“– Renewed Lib

Renewed Lib

Renewed Lib is a collection of Functions and Framework intergration completely open source and ready to be used by any developer.


  • Various framework functions which supports Ox, ESX, NDCore, QBCore and QBox
  • Ped spawner with automatic cleanup when player leaves the range
  • Object spawner with automatic cleanup when player leaves the range

Inventory Specific Feature(s)

  • (Optional) Supports creating stash shops with ox_inventory, which acts like a "Shop" with intergrated stashes


Importing the Core

To use Renewed-Lib with any resource you must import the core in your fxmanifest as shown below.

shared_scripts {


  • Install ox_lib and have it started before Renewed-Lib
  • Make sure to have qb/esx installed for framework intergration
  • Drag and drop the resource into your resources folder and enjoy!