πŸ’Š Exports

πŸ’Š Exports


Creates a new lab where the vector4 is the location of the tablet and the password is the password to access the lab. The maxUpgrades is a boolean that determines if the lab can be upgraded or not.

exports['Renewed-Meth']:CreateLab(coords, password, maxUpgrades)
  • coords: vector4
  • password: string
  • maxUpgrades: boolean
exports['Renewed-Meth']:CreateLab(vector4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), "most_secure_password321", true)


This export tells you weather or not a player is in a lab, and if they are it will return the lab ID.

  • source: string
  • return number | nil
    local isPlayerInLab = exports['Renewed-Meth']:IsPlayerInLab(source)
    print(isPlayerInLab) -- Prints lab ID if player is in lab or nil if player is not in lab