πŸ““ Installation


Step 1

Head over to ox_inventory/data/items.lua and find ALL of your lockpick items.

This is normally lockpick and/or advanced lockpick, now add the following to the items.

client = {
	event = 'lockpick:use'

Should end up looking like this.

['lockpick'] = {
	label = 'Lockpick',
	weight = 160,
	client = {
		event = 'lockpick:use'

Step 2 (optional)

Head over to ox_inventory/data/items.lua and paste in this item.

['vehiclekey'] = {
	label = 'Vehicle Key'

Step 3 (optional)

Head over to ox_inventory/data/items.lua and paste in this item.

['keyring'] = {
	label = 'Key Ring',
	weight = 1,
	stack = false,
	close = false,
	consume = 0

now head over to ox_inventory/modules/items/containers.lua and add the following to the keyring item. at the very bottom of the file.

setContainerProperties('keyring', {
	slots = 10,
	maxWeight = 100,
	whitelist = { 'vehiclekey'}

Then head over to ox_inventory/web/images.lua and put in the included images from Renewed-Vehiclekeys/image. And that's it! Enjoy Renewed Vehiclekeys!