πŸ““ Installation

πŸ““ Installation

Step 1

Open Renewed-Fuel folder and run the SQL on your database.

Step 2

  1. Remove LegacyFuel or any other Fuel Script you used prior
  2. Insert Renewed-Fuel into your server
  3. Remember to add ensure Renewed-Fuel in your server.cfg

Step 3

Optional if you used ps/cdn/qb/jl/Legacy Fuel

  1. Open your entire server in Visual Studio Code.
  2. Now do a folder search for LegacyFuel (Or any other fuel script you used prior)
  3. Now replace it with Renewed-Fuel

Step 4

Now open ox_inventory and insert the following items into ox_inventory/data/items.lua

oilbarrel = {
	label = 'Oil Barrel',
	stack = false,
	weight = 0,
driveshaft = {
	label = 'Drive Shaft',
	weight = 1000,
	stack = false
oilfilter = {
	label = 'Oil Filter',
	weight = 1000,
	stack = false
reliefstring = {
	label = 'Relief String',
	weight = 1000,
	stack = false
skewgear = {
	label = 'Skew Gear',
	weight = 1000,
	stack = false
timingchain = {
	label = 'Timing Chain',
	weight = 1000,
	stack = false

Insert the images from Renewed-Fuel into ox_inventory/web/images folder.

Step 5 (optional)

If you want to use native audio for when picking/putting nozzles and fueling vehicles download this resource (opens in a new tab)

Note: Make sure to start it in the server.cfg before Renewed-Fuel

Step 6 (optional)

If you want players to be able to purchase stations without admin intervention add this to your server.cfg

# Make fuel stations purchaseable by players
setr fuel_buystations true

Step 7 (optional with Renewed-Vehiclekeys)

If you want vehicles to not be started when they are out of fuel, do as followed (example taken from Renewed-Vehiclekeys)

if GetResourceState('Renewed-Fuel') ~= 'missing' then
local fuel = GetVehicleFuelLevel(cache.vehicle)
if fuel <= 0 then
    return notify("Vehicle can't be operated", 'error')