π Petrol Can Setup
Step 1
Navigate to ox_inventory/data/weapons.lua
and open it
Step 2
and change it's weight to 0
label = 'Gas Can',
weight = 0,
Step 3
Navigate to modules/inventory/server.lua
and find the function called updateWeapon
(Around line 2429)
Now find the following code (Around line 2500):
elseif action == 'ammo' then
if item.hash == `WEAPON_FIREEXTINGUISHER` or item.hash == `WEAPON_PETROLCAN` or item.hash == `WEAPON_HAZARDCAN` or item.hash == `WEAPON_FERTILIZERCAN` then
weapon.metadata.durability = math.floor(value)
weapon.metadata.ammo = weapon.metadata.durability
elseif value < weapon.metadata.ammo then
local durability = Items(weapon.name).durability * math.abs((weapon.metadata.ammo or 0.1) - value)
weapon.metadata.ammo = value
weapon.metadata.durability = weapon.metadata.durability - durability
weapon.weight = Inventory.SlotWeight(item, weapon)
Step 4
Add the following code to the if statement under weapon.metadata.ammo = weapon.metadata.durability
if item.hash == `WEAPON_PETROLCAN` then
local weight = exports['Renewed-Fuel']:GetFuelCanWeight(weapon.metadata.durability) -- Use this if you want to have a realistic weight system
weapon.weight = weight
weapon.metadata.weight = weight
weapon.metadata.oilAmount = exports['Renewed-Fuel']:DurabilityToGallons(weapon.metadata.durability) -- Use this if you want to show the oil amount in the inventory
End Result
elseif action == 'ammo' then
if item.hash == `WEAPON_FIREEXTINGUISHER` or item.hash == `WEAPON_PETROLCAN` or item.hash == `WEAPON_HAZARDCAN` or item.hash == `WEAPON_FERTILIZERCAN` then
weapon.metadata.durability = math.floor(value)
weapon.metadata.ammo = weapon.metadata.durability
if item.hash == `WEAPON_PETROLCAN` then
local weight = exports['Renewed-Fuel']:GetFuelCanWeight(weapon.metadata.durability) -- Use this if you want to have a realistic weight system
weapon.weight = weight
weapon.metadata.weight = weight
weapon.metadata.oilAmount = exports['Renewed-Fuel']:DurabilityToGallons(weapon.metadata.durability) -- Use this if you want to show the oil amount in the inventory
elseif value < weapon.metadata.ammo then
local durability = Items(weapon.name).durability * math.abs((weapon.metadata.ammo or 0.1) - value)
weapon.metadata.ammo = value
weapon.metadata.durability = weapon.metadata.durability - durability
weapon.weight = Inventory.SlotWeight(item, weapon)
Now you have realistic petrol can weights and they will properly display the gallon per petrol can.