Welcome to the installation portion of Renewed Fishing, here you will find a quick and easy guide of how to install Renewed Fishing into your server.
Step 1
Drop Renewed-Fishing into your resources folder.
Step 2
Add ensure Renewed-Fishing
to your server.cfg, make sure Renewed Lib is started before ox_inventory
step 3
Head over to ox_inventory/data/items.lua
here you will need to add the following items
['renewed_fish'] = {
label = 'Fish',
weight = 0,
['fishing_hook'] = {
label = 'Fishing Hook',
weight = 0,
['fishing_bait'] = {
label = 'Fishing Bait',
weight = 0,
['fishing_rod'] = {
label = 'Fishing Rod',
weight = 0,
consume = 0,
server = {
export = 'Renewed-Fishing.StartFishing'
Step 4
Now headover to ox_inventory/web/images
and drop in the images from the images
folder in Renewed Fishing.
You have now successfully installed Renewed-Fishing into your server, if you have any issues please feel free to join our discord and ask for help.